ok so I'm innocently doing my homework when i get an unknown caller pop up on my phone. lately I've been answering my phone for just about anything now, because i never know if its a job thing or what. but low and behold...it was Dan, of all the people in the world. when i first heard his voice i was a bit in denial still, but when he said "do you remember who this is" it just clicked for me. After all this time why is he calling me now!? he was going on about why i haven't called him and if i didn't have one day to spare just to talk to him, and that he missed me and wanted to see me, and that i was his girlfriend, and as far as he's concerned that hasn't changed. and i was like wtf, what is this guys prob! so anyway every time he said he wanted to see me i kept replying "That's not a good idea, I'm in a serious relationship" and he'd ask if i wanted to see him and I'd say no. the only way for him to get it is if your harsh. he kept pushing the meeting thing, but i kept pushing a 'no' because i didn't really like our relationship and i really love viere. [he'd be so proud, lol] and after a long back and forth convo he told me that he moved and gave me the address (i didn't write it down though, because i couldn't really care less about where he lived now) and then after more back and forth of him trying to get us back together and wanting to see me he said i love you....it went like this, Dan first then me
D: ok bye
Me: bye
D: i love you
Me: I'm not going to say it
D: i love you
Me: ok bye
D: i love you
Me: Dan, I'm with someone i love and care for and its a serious relationship
D: ...ok bye
Me: bye
D: goodnight
Me: Goodnight
and then that was it. He was really hot, and I'll admit i do find myself thinking about him sometimes, but i have more happy moments with viere, with V it feels more real then it ever did with Dan......i can never figure him out (Dan) -_- hopefully he doesn't call again so that i can try to fully put him in my past. Viere was actually asking about my ex's the other day and since Dan is practically the only one (besides crazy chloe) he wanted to know a lot about him, like why we split and what he looked like, what we did together, etc etc.
The one & only
P.S. i cant handle all these damn surprises