I received an anonymous comment recently, and i just HAD to reply to this person. first thing first, who are you? >_< lol, your last comment, all in caps about the 9 Rico kids [just look for the comments in the twist blog to see what they said] had me crakin up, your right though, i mean he does do some boyfriend stuff, but i do have suspicions that he's using me for just sex. Jamie's out of the picture though, he said he didn't want to be with me (in a nicer way of course) and i guess i was afraid to be alone why i went back to Dan. I don't even fully understand myself why, we're kinda drifting apart though. probably because we're not having sex -_-' i told him no sex until i felt like this was all real and going somewhere. obviously it wasn't. I'm not really seeing anybody now, so another valentine/birthday alone. I'm still talking to Sara (the 'friend' i met in "twist") every now and then, but just as friends, like i thought. My birthday is Saturday (the 14th) so I'm going to party with my best friends and go to a few clubs and party for basically 3 days straight.
The one & only
p.s. am i suppose to ask them all to get tested and show me the results?
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