So Viere came over today [That's actually the correct way to spell his name] i asked him what time he had to go to work and he said he's actually on his lunch break and stopped by. We hung out in my room and got all cuddly like usual and watched some tv but then we started making out and i realized how much i missed just hanging out with him. Then it got a bit more serious and we ended up having sex again. It didn't hurt like the first time, i mean there was a little discomfort at first but then that went away and i was right as rain....i never really got that saying o_O after when he was getting dressed again (looking rather sweaty might i add) lol, he kept smiling and laughing, i wonder what he was thinking =3 He gets off at five today and said he'll come by again if I'm home and i said I'd be here =] I really like him and I'm just going to go with the flow with things and not go crazy when someone tells us its not going to work, when we just started dating there was a lot of negative feedback from both friends and the Internet -_-' but I'm trying not to let that bother me. It's funny because he's the first black guy I've dated (because i usually take them off the list first) and its working so far with mutual feelings. Kinda makes a girl feel confident! =D
The one & only
P.S. Little Red, Its kinda hard to believe that I'm falling in love =/ It seems so soon for something like that since i'm so young....and its not in my DarkEmo future MD plan! >=D