First of all, Little Red, if a guy doesn't like you the way you are then he's not the one. If you think you have to be skinny for him to like you then doesn't that just prove that he's shallow? You need to e-mail me more often so we can talk about this in detail =] you know where to find me.
Now on to the blog. Veir came over yesterday...and today, but parents where unexpectedly home both days, but even so we just chilled in my room and made out, my damned period started today so no sex for a week! XD lmao (I've lasted longer then that so i should be good) He was trying to get a bit more "intimate" today but i had to stop him, but he doesn't know why exactly. I didn't want to just bust out and say "I'm on my period" T_T if i was a guy that would kinda gross me out XD lmao, so he gave me a hicky instead and we played footsy and cuddled, i know -_-' looking back now i think wow, how corny and lame, but during i was like a kid in a candy store. For someone who's never really had much luck with... i was going to say the opposite sex but Chloe was a fuckin wack job....with anyone besides friends, better worded, I'm really happy i found this guy or he found me since i've never seen him and he's been watching me shop at the supermarket. And I'm hoping that we work out for the long run....not marriage though because I want to have either an asian baby or a white baby, thats such a horrible thing to say! >_< back to the point, so all my experiences is just proof that if you wait patiently, and don't jump into things then you'll find that special person, maybe even the one, I'm not saying Veir is the one, but someone out there might have better luck then me =] So be patient people! I'm in a very good mood because I got to spend the day with Veir. I have a week coming up where i don't have to babysit, so that's going to be a sexapalooza for us, lol I just hope everything goes as planned....but then again so far nothing with him has gone as planned and that's how we ended up where we are...sooooo i hope everything is spontaneous and surprising =]
The one & only
P.S. Veir sounds so cute when he moans =3 enough said!
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