Viere came over today, whats new right, and the same as usual. The longer I'm with him the easier it is for me to talk to him about stuff. well the reason why i wanted to make this blog is to talk about this thing that he does during sex sometimes. He's done it a few times before, but today was when i really noticed it. and that is, sometimes he likes to have conversations during sex, and that totally throws me off sometimes. like for example today he had this long conversation, and I'll write it out:
so we're making out and then we start having sex then this
"When's your math test?" I'm thinking WTF?!
"Did you study?"
"are you sure?"
"What other classes do you have tomorrow?"
"Computers" at this point I've getting pretty agitated.
"That's it?" i give him this look because i really don't think this is the right time to talk about this.
"What? Your lucky i actually care about your school work"
"But do we really have to talk about this now?" he takes the hint and stops having random conversations in the middle of sex, but then later he starts up another conversation! but then cuts it short, its weird because during sex all i think about is sex, and whats going on right then, right in the moment, he's like a multitasking woman....i guess he thinks better during sex, haha
Its pretty hard to put in words the situation for you to see the full extent of its strangeness, lol, also today he asked
"When are we going to get married?"
"I don't know" I never really had any intentions too, so I've never thought about it, he stared back at me and i just repeated "i don't know"
"Then when your done with school will you marry me?" he looked so serious but it was such and out there questions that i had to convince myself that he was kidding, but he didn't look like it.
"Maybe" i replied
"Will you think about it?"
"....yea" it was weird, because he seemed so serious, i don't think I'm ready for marriage, but i am glad that he intends to be with me that long. but he question did make me realize one thing, and that the fact that, i really do love him, and i never noticed until today.
The one & only