"Why do i love you so much?" and i said
"I don't know" come on! what the hell am i suppose to say to that on the spot? Now i'm thinking i should of said something like "because i'm a hot commodity" or something dumb/sarcastic like that, and then finally we we're watching tv both stuffed from our food, and a strange number called my phone, i assumed it was Viere's cousin or mother (because they have my number) but it was dez, i've been ignoring his call for weeks and he tricked me with a different number, i've never seen something piss me off more, i told him i was busy but he kept talking about his day and couldn't take the hint that i didn't want to talk to him, and he kept talking and talking but i wasnt really listening to him, and finally Veire said he had to go, he said
"I would stay longer but your friend ruined our day" He was only joking but dez did ruin my day because ever since our fight just hearing his voice pisses me off. Before Viere left he asked if i wanted to go out to lunch with him at TGI Friday's tomorrow and i said yes, i love going out with him =] so anyway, Dez kept blabbing and then asked me whats wrong and i told him straight up, that i was done, and everytime he calls i remember what he did and i can never forget it nor forgive it, so he had this whole crying moment and said he was heart broken and it sounded like he was my boyfriend for years and i broke up with him for nothing, he told me he'd give me two weeks to cool down. Me and Desmond Ward is done, we will never be best friends again and i doubt i'd be regular friends with him now. He's made his mistake and "i'm sorry" wont make me forget it, i've accepted sorry one too many times
The one and only
condoms, cupcakes, and candles! i'm so happy for you and viere! i think this has a real chance for working out!
and i'm really sorry about hearing that you and des are no longer friends. but, i think ur friendship has been slowly dwindling since 11th grade.
i think he still wants to be friends with you because you've known each other for so long, and your the closest friend that he has. ppl act like that for some reason becuz that's all they have and they scared of losing what they have.
have fun at t.g.i's tomorrow!
Sounds like a fun day. Hot, fun day. I mean it was so hot that I need to stop this nose bleed.
PS. Got the hint.
This being the 1st I have read of yours and to tell you the truth I think you being a BITCH! Who ever this Desmond kid is really needs to move on without you because you don't seem to give a damn about his feelings... If he calls you to talk about his day he obviously feel that he can share with you, and then you said something about him crying how could u be so heartless ,but I see you're one if those chicks that man comes first, because no one I know can just stop being friends (best) just like that... You don't have to forget what happened ( no matter how big or small) it's just better to forgive because grudges shorten your life span. Holding on to all that hate must hert...any ways think about what I have said or don't... Good luck with your big dicked man
Okay so this is the weird message temps told me about... Umm I don't really know what to say... Some people think we've been dwendling since the 11th grade and another is in full on attack mode... I think both things are harsh the blog and what the other person said... But I also think both a valid also... The heartless thing ouch... I was there on the phone with you... And the bitch thing was unnessicary uselly I don't leave comments but this was rediculous... I wasn't planning on commenting and I shouldn't be but I'm not going to have some random stranger attack a friend and I'm not really sure if I'm okay with that friend using my government name in a blog.... All this is really crazy... And either way round it looks like I'm getting the blame... Tricks are for kids... And last time I checked we were all adults now I didn't plan on writing this much but it was thought that I wrote that statement and trust me I'm not behind it... Any ways I hope this clears some things up because I have an already hectic week to get back to.... Peace, Love, and Discovery :)
To Ms. aMOTHERStruth, i dont appreciate you calling Dark Emo a bitch. you dont know the situation so who are you to judge by saying that she is a type of person to put her man first seeing thats its the first time youve read her blogs. apparently you have never had a BEST friend betray you or whatever the case may be FYI its the hardest of them all..Dark Emo and DW has been friends for too long now and i know its not because of Viere!
Love T.
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