Haven't made a blog in a while and that's mostly because i thought everyone would be tired of hearing about Viere, so if you are....you shouldn't read this blog because i talk about him partially. Since my last blog I've finally got a job in the mall. Right now the hours aren't so great but the boss is saying it'll pick up during the holiday. I was hired as a seasonal employee though so I'm hoping that all the hard work that I'm doing now will make them want to keep me as a year round employee. Besides work I'm kinda struggling in school with my math class, but then again math has never been my best subject, and the teacher isn't really that great at going over the problems, so i end up trying to teach myself all of the work. I barley have time for myself now a days because I'm always at school, doing homework, or at work, and the little time i do have off i try to squeeze in Viere, but its hard because he's working and trying to find a place of his own too, so its not like high school dating where you just worry about your boyfriend and friends and then doing homework. Sometimes i feel like I've skipped the college life and took an express train straight to adulthood! Viere asked me to move in with him when he buys his place (right now he has a roommate so he's trying to get a place for just himself) he asked me twice, the first time i didn't really answer and then the second time, i told him no, but in more words though, he was kinda sad but he understood because i told him i wanted to save up some of my own money first before i moved out of my parents place. I kinda do want to move in with him, but its way too soon so i know its a bad idea. There are lots of things that i want to do with him but its not in my time line to become a doctor. So I'm trying to stick to my plan, and he's being patient with me, but i wonder for how long, because everything is always when I'm free or when i feel like it. We need to compromise, but i don't think that will happen until a few things clear up in both of our lives. Maybe he's being so understanding because I'm still in school right now....any way he said after he saves money for a place and everything he wants to go back to school to become a pilot. Sometimes i wish money wasn't as important as it was. It makes life so hard, the rich stay rich and the poor gets 'poor'er (i know that's not a word but its poetic licenses, you know what it means and that all that matters)
The one & only
P.S. its been over four months now, i wonder if we'll make it to a year