So Terra called me tonight, and i answered the phone. She calls or texts every now and then, and i respond just to be a good friend, i have Viere and she knows it and i love him to much to even consider being dragged back into that crazy 'relationship' that we had. So anyway, she called to complain about how her gay friend keeps sleeping around with all these guys and cheating on his boyfriends and stuff and how that pisses her off when someone cheats because she's been cheated on before blah blah blah, and i'm just sitting here listening to this thinking "This chick cheated on me while we dated!" and she actually has the nerve to come and call on me to complain about her gay bff cheating? wow. anyway she was trying to seduce me but i wasn't picking up on anything, because i wasn't interested any more and i wasn't a cheater. and then she brought up stories from when we dated and the 'good times' we had, i have that in quotations because i don't really know if you can call those good times....sometimes when i give her the benefit of the doubt she turns around and does something stupid, she even asked me if i still had feelings for her, which i don't. As for me and Viere on regular terms, where more like a regular couple, two weeks into our fourth month...he really wants to get married though because he's kinda been telling people i'm his wife XD not a lot of people though, thanks goodness, i don't think i'd be a good Mrs. Davis. He kinda got irritated with me the other day because he said that i never have time for him, and now that i look back its kinda true. I never wanted to be one of those girls who dump friends for their boyfriend so i was always hanging out with my friends even on days when V was suppose to come over so that he could hang with them too, so we haven't been 'alone' for about three weeks now. Like we hadn't seen each other for about a week because i was busy studying for school and the one day i had off i had a job interview, so finally i had a Thursday to myself and he was suppose to come over (we called each other like every day that week) but when he did come over, two of my other friends came over later to hang out, and i was like "sure why not!" and thats the day that he said i never have time for him because i'm always with my friends. This Sunday i'm suppose to go out with some friends to go get some sushi, but then he called and invited me to this carnival thing thats on the same day, so i'm trying to see if i can fit them both in tomorrow, or which ever one i choose. I know if i choose my friends V is probably going to leave, since i'm bailly with him and always with them, and i know if i choose him, my friends might think i'm 'one of those girls'.....i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Certain people think i should break up with V because of a few none important things, but i'm sticking strongly to my own feelings now, and staying with him. Usually i use other people's advice to do things, but with this, i'm following my heart and doing what i think i right, and not what others think i should do, because in the end, i'm the one who has to live with the choices, not them.
The one & only
1 comment:
Okay... Umm here's away you can avoid becoming one of 'those girl' combine your friends, you know like how Stacy and Sean have almost the same friends... This way you all can hang out/ with Viere still getting most of you time and vice versa, because alone just you two... And group time you two will still get to be together you have a chance to actually connect with one anothers friends and trust me you might end up finding out more about each other in a group setting... I'm just saying
-btw I want to call you so bad, you know my sitch better than anyone else and I can't share it with temps or anyone new
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