I haven't really been writing lately because a lot of the stuff going on its really hard for me to write in words and also for some of the things I was afraid of being ridiculed because if I was someone on the outside looking in, I would be annoyed with myself. I guess first things first is to tell you about Sara. She hasn't been on-line in a while so we haven't been talking, but then again that's happened before, and then when we do talk after that its great. I guess our success comes from our distance and in a way that's kinda poetic. We're only in love when we're apart (and I use the word love loosely). I've been driving all over the place too, because my car privileges have finally been updated, and I've been going to the gym again, still trying to shed the pounds, hopefully before I head back for college. On a random note, there is only ten days left of school.
I've been a bit inspired to write poems lately and I haven't written any poems in a long time, also I've been writing a bunch of short story's as well, and this inspiration has come from someone I know, and someone I found that I really care about. But my feelings are a bit confused and that's coming out in my poetry. I do know that every time I'm touched by this person a strange tingle runs through my entire body followed by excitement, and I find my self remembering every tiny detail that they tell me about them and I watch their every move and when our eyes meet I look away. I never realized how I felt about this person until it was too late, and I was even a bit shocked and tried to convince myself other wise, but.... its still there, this strange feeling. I hope that they haven't noticed my glances, because its just going to make everything weird between us because nothing can ever come from my odd emotions, so I've just been trying to express myself and release the pent up frustration in my writings, here's a poem or whatever you want to call it that I wrote a while back about this person:
My prurient feelings for her were so strong I found myself unconsciously defending her and getting jealous when anyone spoke of her...am I mad? Driven by passionate desire? Or have I forgotten the taste of love and frightened by just how sweet it really is?
I hold inside the feelings I have, because I know what I feel is wrong.
The one & only
she's probably straight
it's too late
I believe, when it comes to this story, that its all going to work out in the end. I love how you and Sarah works. Its not something t=you see everyday. I can't wait to see how it works out.
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