So my parents went to Vegas on vacation so I'm here seeing how it is to live in a place myself and go to school, and basically live, and my first act of parental freedom was too......wait for it.....clean! lol, that's right, as much as i hate to clean i had to wash the dishes and take out the trash. i wasn't about to live in a dirty environment for a much as my room looks like Katrina went through *cough cough* but now that I'm done cleaning I'm about to munch on some junk food for dinner and then head to the gym, haha! My friends play around about me throwing a house party, but I've been more of the kind of person that would go to a party rather then throw a party, i cant deal with the stress of having to organize a party instead of having fun. i don't really know where I'm heading with this blog so I'm just going to head out
The one & only
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