Sorry i haven't written in a while. My computer died then turned into a zombie and then finally i had to shoot it in the head and is currently using its reincarnation =] so i havent been able to do anything that involved the internet in about a week ;-; since my last blog Chloe got mad at me because she felt like i was over reacting when she told me she was going to her ex boyfriends house with her mom because her parents don't know that they broke up in the first place T_T i was just a bit annoyed by the whole thing. She called me once since and its a drastic change from her multiple calls a day, so i think my plan's working and hopefully its only a matter of time before we actually call the whole thing off. besides that Dan called again, but i ignored his call again. He seems pretty stuborn because he wont stop calling and i dont want to change my number because i'd have to tell all my friends and change documents blah blah. Bridgets back from Cambodia, her flight back was saturday, she kept everyone updated the whole two weeks she was there and it sounded pretty tireing so i'll message her in a few days, giving her some time off for now =] Then my mom went out of town this moring for a business trip and she's coming back friday. as for my social life, nothing much is going on. its been really hard meeting up with friends from high school every since graduation, because everyone's always busy, and then i babysit my sister during the week.
BTW little red =] you should at least try talking to the guy so you wont regret it later wondering 'what if' ....thats why i went all out with Bridget and laid my cards out on the table with her. it didnt end out perfect but i'm not wondering 'what if i just...' =] good luck, and i'll try to make more blogs!! >_< my life just isn't that interesting ;-;
The one & only
...You know I think about this Chloe girl. She's a jacked up Estrogen spreading, jail bait looking, emotional, terribale mess. You really need to stay away from that! Not to add that Dan guy! You need to tell him to stop harrasing you or you'll call the cops and get his mexicano ass deported! LOL! But I must admit he adds the best drama to the story/blog/your life.So the Brig girl. I see that your feeling are still strong! That is super sweet but, tell me how are you going to accost her now huh? Its going to be pretty tough! Can't wait for your next update!
i hate my life! if i ever see him again i'm just gonna tell him that i think he's hot! whether it's in a few day, weeks, or YEARS!
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