Some one asked me once, how i planned to court Bridget, now that school was over. The truth is, i know we live in two different worlds, no matter how hard i try she'll always be one step ahead, and i know no matter what i do, she would never return my feelings and that what I'm expecting only happens in movies and books, but then i also know that she's the only one i can ever think about, to the point where i don't even look at anyone else as they pass, because i think "they cant even compare" I've rationalized in my head and have created more cons then pros for if i continue this path, but still with everything pointing in the direction to give up, i just cant. My gut just tells me to be by her side, for as long as i can, because I'm willing to wait an eternity for just an acknowledgement, for that one hint of need. I know its stupid and hopeless, but has love ever been described as smart? Can time heal this affliction?
The one & only
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