Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Complicated

Tuesday was the school's blood drive and i was on the committee so it was very hectic trying to get everytihng organzied and to get everyone onto the blood mobiles. i was excited for days about donating blood myself, but then my 'time of the month' came on the day of! i was sooo mad >=o but i still went to try to see if my iron was good and it was, so i got to donate in the end =]. then on Wednesday i went back to school. it felt like i missed weeks of school instead of just two days, and everyone at school was acting like that too.

Today Dan called. i thought this whole thing was over! i was at the mall with Tee and Lindalee and i see his number on my caller id! XD after i answered he asked me what was up and how come i haven't called, i was like me?! what happened to you? this was some pretty bad timing for him to call, really bad. he asked if he could meet me again, but i told him that it was a bad time, he even started talking dirty XD lol and then he told me he was horny! ha ha! guys are so subtle, not. after convincing him that now was a bad time and that i wasn't even home at the time. the earliest i would be ready to 'see' him would be on Sunday. This is so strange, and i realizes every time i think its over between us, he calls again. it seems like he just wants casual sex.... i don't really know what to think about all of this, and right now its not even in my mind. I'm just worried about my Anatomy test tomorrow -_-'

The one & only

Monday, September 22, 2008

Learn from the past, Live in the present, Prepare for the future

I woke up this morning late, hot, and pissed. it was one of those nights -_-' not to mention, since I'm sick, it was a pretty rough sleep. i obviously stayed home today, I'm going over to the doctor to get that x-ray for this stupid TB thing. i was planning on heading over to my bffl house, since i haven't seen him in a few days. but if i leave now there's no way i can get back before 1, unless i do a drive by. so I'm just here taking care of my baby sister today, and doing a few things that i never got a chance to do over the weekend.

I think the thing with me and Dan is finally over, my three weeks of fun is finally at an end. He still hasn't called and i texted him on Saturday, i have enough guy friends to know what that means, so the only thing i can do for now, is forget it. sometimes i say its good that my first experience was so wild and out there, because next time, I'll know what not to do. =]

Sunday, September 21, 2008


wow, so much has happened in the last few days. my TB test came back positive so on Monday i have to get a chest x-ray, another missed day of school, but everything is fine, it came back positive because i was born in Jamaica and the vaccinations they do there is different from the one's in America, so i have a little of it in me, just to fight off the major disease, but just to be on the safe side the doctors are still making me get a chest x-ray before i can start working at the hospital. besides that I've caught a cold, just my luck, on Friday and I still have a sore throat =[ . plus my best friend got suspended from school! so i haven't seen him for a while either.

I haven't heard anything from Dan....well actually, he called on Wednesday, but during school, so i couldn't answer, and i didn't call back, i thought if it was important, he would call me again later, but he hasn't, so i was thinking about calling today, we still haven't done the 'deed' and its looking less and less likely of that happening, but i guess its better this way. the funny thing is that, everyone thinks he's the player but yet I'm the one pushing him in that direction. i think we should just start concentrating on what exactly we are, and let everything flow. When its supposed to happen, it will happen, you cant force fate.

The one & only

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Secret Life

So some of my friends have actually been reading my blog, constantly, and of course they want to talk about it. but i always feel strange sometimes, because at school, I've always been the innocent inexperienced, smart (people think I'm smart, but I'm not) nerd and I've always hated that role, plus my guy friends always look at me as 'one of the guys' and I've never liked that either, but somethings never change no matter what you do. So with Dan its different, he doesn't know much about me, and i don't know much about him. Everyone needs to restart every once in a while, and this is my secret life, somewhere i can be someone else, its still me, just the 'me' my friends never had a chance to see.

I have to go take some shots this morning, because the hospital I'm volunteering at doesn't want anyone to catch anything so we're all getting our vaccination shots today. I'm going with my friend Tee (she's a volunteer too) and then head back to school, a little late. she texted me if i wanted to go out to breakfast with her after we leave the hospital, =[ but i don't really have any money for that right now. i never got to text her back because i had fallen asleep really early last night, i had a busy day.

The one & only

Monday, September 15, 2008

Not so Innocent

Dan and i have started to become intimate. My cherry is still in one piece though, if that's what you thought =] . all of this seems so strange and surreal though, because I've only heard about the things that we do, I've never actually experienced them, and i realized that words never quite actually explained it right. My mom has her assumptions about what we do, but i still deny it. its still strange talking about this with her, even though we're so close, the only one i can really feel comfortable with is my best friends, and my blog =D

Today i have a meeting down by North Broward Medical center, because i signed up to volunteer there, and get some service hours. the meeting is from 6 to 8 and the place is pretty far, but my friend Tee is going to, and offered to give me a ride. i really appreciate it, but i feel as though I'm taking advantage of her, and wish i had my own car so i could drive her around and pay her back for all that gas (because gas is expensive as hell). Then today i found out, that on the cast list for the school play i got a supporting role, also known as an extra, so did all the other theater veterans. our Drama teacher/Director always picks freshman's and new students for the lead roles in new plays, because he wants to give them a chance, and see how good they really are....shouldn't he test that out on something else? not the school plays! but he's always been a strange one, and if this play burns and crumbles i wont be surprised, because that's how it always happens when he chooses an all new cast (meaning all freshmen who he's never seen their acting history or background) if they do great, then good for them, it takes great talent to get kids in our school, interested in Romeo and his Juliet. but besides that, nothing much new...or at least nothing i can remember (i have a 5 second memory)

...I cant wait till Saturday...

The one & only

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday

I just came back from watching 'burn after reading' with my gossip gal, Tee. it was such a strange movie! i thought it was going to be sooo funny, don't get me wrong, it did have its funny moments, but there was a lot of death and drama, and mystery, which kinda over powered the comedy in the movie...but if you were planning on watching it, go. its an interesting movie to add to your 'movies I've seen' list...a very interesting movie o_o

so Dan called and said sorry about yesterday. he has family visiting and its hard to get away from them...or so he says, and asked if we could meet today to make it up to me, i said sure, after thinking about it first of course, and then headed over to the park. i have my own agenda with this guy, one that he doesn't know about. after waiting for a while, he showed up and we talked for a while, and a bit about what I've been planning for the last few days. he asked me ' are you offering yourself to me?' it was such a strange way to put it, but i said yes, my only condition is that it not be at the park. we couldn't go to either of our places because of family and in the end there was no where for us to go, so he said next weekend his family will be back home and his place will be free, so I'm meeting him again on Saturday, and that will be the day.... strange....

...there's more, but I'm going to have to break the unwritten code, and hold something back from this blog =/

The one & only

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Time Waster

i had to wake up extra early today, because i had to take some classes at 8 down by coconut creek (which is about half an hour away from my house) and the class was 4hrs long. after the class i got something to eat and headed home for a nap, after feeling a bit more rested i was going to call Dan and meet him at the park then head over to his place. so of course i was a bit nervous when the time came for me to call him, and when i did i told him that i wanted to meet him at the park and then go to his house. when he asked what time i told him i was heading over now, he said ok, and that he would see me soon. so i reached the park and waited while i talked to my bffl, Dez, and i waited, and waited. i called once but it kept ringing and i left a message, then i saw one of my old friends at the park and we talked for a long time. when i checked my watch, a little over an hour had passed so i thought it was time for me to leave, if he was coming he would of been there by now, because he doesn't live very far from the park. so i rode home, disappointed, after all that mental preparation he was a no show, and i didn't feel like calling constantly. that would make me look like i was desperate.
If he calls me tonight, I'll asked what the heck happened, and that conversation will determine what will happen tomorrow. maybe all these roadblocks are a sign.

The one & only

Friday, September 12, 2008

Better Left Unsaid

awesome day today. lots of laughs and pictures, and once i get them all (they are on my friends cam) I'll make sure to upload some.

Dan sent me a text today 'hi love' i told tee about it and she said it was kinda freaky XD lol, i replied saying hey and whats up, and he sent back a text saying that he wanted to text me good night, it was pretty late when i got it. That doesn't sound like something a bad person does, you know? and also on my facebook, i put that i was in a relationship and my mom was like 'who are you in a relationship with?' and i thought she was joking, so i just stared at her, but i think she figured who it was eventually and right now she's not really talking to me T_T i think its strange since she allowed the whole thing...well, she didn't stop me when she knew that i kissed him that first day, but she says she doesn't trust him because of that first day kiss, but I'm in this too deep for her to actually put her foot down, so some things are better left unsaid. I also think that she thinks that I've had sex too, why she's so irritated by the whole thing. because today i took an HIV test (they we're giving them out for free and all my friends went too. I'm negative by the way) and I've been asking her about going to a gyno. i haven't gone yet because i just think the whole idea of it is strange, but i knew i would have to go eventually. I was suppose to meet Dan today, but my day of adventure was longer then i thought, so i think I'm just going to see him tomorrow and head over to his place or somewhere, I don't really want to meet at the park again.

Skip Day

so today is senior skip day at our school, so all my friends are skipping (most of them being seniors) and we're meeting up, so far we dont really have anything planned except just to hang out. everyone's really excited because this is their first senior skip day, seeing as we all just turned seniors. uh...nothing new with Dan, so this was just a little update.

Extremely Short

The one & only

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Out of the box

{Update} *I kinda put out everything, and i mean EVERYTHING out in this blog. Nothing is ever held back.*

so everyone knows about me and Daniel, but they all don't know the whole story, that's because some of it was spread from mouth to mouth so it got jumbled and others know because i told them, but only the parts i want them to know. I've been really thinking about other options with him (i tend to over analyze things a lot) so i did some research and asked a few veterans in the subject what they thought, but none of them really knew what was going on, except for Sean. Sean is a guy who i use to have a crush on, there was even a time when i thought it was love, but he started dating one of my friends who's in a lower grade then me. but anyway, that story is long in the past, the point is i had asked him what was a good brand to buy (I'm being vague on purpose) and he told me what he thought, and before he hung up he said "good luck, and have fun!" i could tell he was smiling XD it was kinda weird asking an old crush for advise like that, but we're still close friends, sometimes i just wish things turned out differently between us, and sometimes i wonder what would of happened if Stacy never came along (Stacy is a good friend, don't get me wrong)

anyway! I'm kinda going off subject, so i was thinking about that option with Dan (my best friend nick named him, one night stand Dan) and i think I'm ready for that, now i know its kinda fast since i knew him for such a short time, but, i think that's all i really want out of the relationship.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Extra Benefits

ok, so i guess i couldn't pass up the benefits...they were just to good XD lol, at least i didn't sleep with him! and at this point the word 'friends' would be inappropriate to use. I'm excited, this is my first bf and its such a strange feeling. some of my friends at school have noticed a change in me even though i never said anything, but sometimes i think they over react... wow, for a girl who's had a boring life all 17 years, a lot is happening in just a few weeks! I think the reason why i kissed him again (kissing is somewhat of an understatement) was because i wasn't really sure if i wanted to or not, but i know I'm not going to 3rd base with him because I'm definitely not ready for that, at least not for now. so i have some confidence that I'll hold stronger to that then i did with staying away from the extra benefits. XD

I feel like i haven't really talked about school lately, ever since this guy came into the picture (oh, btw, his name is Daniel if anyone forgot) so today nothing really special happened at school, except my friends noticing something about me at lunch and then after school i had to be at 3 places at once for clubs so i was running all over the place. i had to be at I.C.C. (international club counsel) H.O.S.A (Health occupations students of America) and i also had to be at Drama (the school play is coming up soon.) then once i finished all my after school stuff me and my friend Tee (my girly gossip buddy) went out to eat then to the park, just to hang out, and then i came home. that's it.

its kinda hard to get this guy out of my head...maybe because he's my first.

The one & only

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Up Stairs

it seems as though someone up stair.....waaay up stairs, enjoys messing with me, the same day that i wrote the blog about the guy leaving me alone, he called -_-' i answered so that i could tell him i just want to be friends and yada yada. so after a LONG conversation trying to convince him, he finally complied, then yesterday i was supposed to go to the park, but i couldn't because i was working on a project, so i made sure to text him and let him know. he asked me if i was playing with him and just leading him on...those weren't his exact words, but you get the picture, and i told him no, and that i would defiantly see him on Tuesday (today) around the same time, which is in about over an hour from now. I'm somewhat excited about meeting him. i just have to stay true to my word and not sleep with him XD lol, because we can only be friends for now, no matter how much i want the extra benefits.

wow! this is like my shortest blog ever! ^_^

The one & only

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Darkest Fears

a lot of things are going on. the thing with the guy i kissed is over. i ended it, and when i think back to as why i never know the true answer, i just keep making excuses. but the truth is I'm scared. I'm scared of being loved, because no one has ever loved me before. he wasn't crazy or a stalker, he just moved kinda fast... i guess i should fill you in on what happened.

The next day after the kiss Daniel called me, i was really nervous because to be honest i never thought he would call. he asked my if he could come over and i defiantly said no, because if he kissed that fast, then i knew what he had in mind if he came over, so we where talking and he said he missed me, and liked our kiss, and blah, blah, blah. and wanted me to meet him, but i told him i couldn't, because i had work to do (which was true) and then at the end he asked if i was a virgin and when he see me again. so the end was kinda surprising and i concluded that he was up to no good (meaning he wanted sex!) so i decided not to go to the park on Friday. when i never showed he kept calling and calling but i never answered because i didn't know what i was going to say. the only thing i hoped was that he wasn't sitting at the park waiting for me =[ he left two messages out of about 20 calls, one asked if i was coming to the park or not, and the other left his number and told me to call, but it was kinda late so i didn't.
Now, on Saturday, i tried to call to explain and get this over with, but it was hard for me to decipher the number that he left on my voicemail so i couldn't call, and he never called me on that day.... i think he got the hint that i was ignoring him, and now its Sunday morning.

What an experience... -_-'

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Kiss

I had my first kiss today....and it wasn't what I expected, not to mention, I wasn't expecting it. This is how it happened. Normally I go to ride my bike around the park three times a week (trying to get slim for homecoming and prom) and today I saw this cute guy, but I didn't really pay any attention to him because I wasn't there to pick up guys, so I kept riding, then going around again I saw him and we made eye contact, then the third time I saw him (this is a round track so we're going in circles) he called me over and I was like, 'hey, why not' you know? so I went over and we started talking (his name is Daniel and he's Spanish) he asked for my number but I wasn't sure so I just said I'll see you around and started riding again, later I saw him again riding and I had finally decided to give him my number, so I went over to him and he asked for a hug so I gave him one and then my number. after that he asked for a hug again and when I leaned in to give him one he totally busted in there (with a kiss) tongue and all! I was like a deer in head lights and didn't know what to do [this kinda stuff never happens to me] once I regained my senses, which was unfortunately a bit longer then I liked, I stepped back. He smiled and asked when he would see me again and I said sometime this week (which i shouldn't of said)... but i don't know, this was moving WAY to fast for me, especially for a girl whose never moved at all =/ . The kiss wasn't what I expected either, it was too sudden. Not anything like how I imagined my first kiss to be. To be honest I didn't know what was going on until his tongue was in my mouth >_<. If I do see him again (because even now I'm not sure) I'll have to draw some lines and say what can and cant be done, if he doesn't like that, then it wasn't ment to be... I feel really bad for letting it be that easy though =[ I wish I could have a second chance before any of this ever happened, I could either of not go out that day, or stepped back and set boundaries way before the face suck came on.

It feels good getting that off my chest

.....this is going to be one strange senior year, I can feel it