Thursday, January 15, 2009

Change of Plan's

it seems like every time I'm suppose to go to Dan's place something comes up! Tuesday i had an unexpected meeting and had to stay late, Wednesday Dan lost his phone and by the time he called me it was too late to go over, and today my mom had an emergency and i had to rush home to look after my sister. i didn't even call him today to let him know because i didn't want to tell him the bad news, yet again, that i wouldn't be able to come, it sucks though because he took the day off today for me to come over and i didn't even show up, but i will go tomorrow!! i know that he'll call and ask what the hell happened, but that will be the day though, i have a lot of stuff to do, but I'm going to make sure that i have time for him and we can hit the sheets!! =D lol, specially after my horny blog.

oh and thanks for the comments Lady V. they really make my day ^_^ i want to ask him, but as stupid as this sounds i don't know how to bring it up. i want to just sit him down and talk about dating and us, but every time we're around each other we end up having sex XD lol and p.s. wouldn't a blog about my boyfriend be boring? with no drama, just Hispanic sex?? haha! but i really enjoy the comments ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well your blog (other then the sex) is very interesting. It like a journey to (dare i say) womanhood in ways. It really refreshing, because you started out a virgin with no knowledge about sex, only the internet stuff, and now you growen a develop a safe, healthy sex life of your own. It like a DUMMIES book you know. A how to, guild for girl with a non existing sex life. Also what make it even more awesome to read is because your a everyday teen with degrassi issues. LOVE IT! Who doesn't love a good drama.

BTW! I just like your blog! You should publish it. Like "House on Mango street" type of stuff!
