Tuesday July 14th 2009
I woke up this morning with wild sex hair, what makes it odd is that I didn't have sex. It was a rough night and even though I was born and partially raised in Jamaica I'm still not use to the bugs and heat. I also had a dream about Bridget.
I was sucked into a crowd. A bunch of students trying to get into a teachers class who wouldn't open the door, finally one of the students managed to get a window clear and it exposed that the teacher was having an affair with another teacher. I just stood there the whole time as I just appeared in the room and the rest of the students raced in after, rioting. Bridget entered from the back door of the classroom to break up the riot, she looked more beautiful then I remembered and my heart skipped a beat, I was stunned and payed attention to nothing else but her. “I'm very disappointed in you” even though she was across the room I could hear her as though she spoke right into my ear. “wait!” I called after her as she turned to leave, trying to explain that I had nothing to do with the riot and didn't even want to be in the room. I ran down the hall after her and then suddenly popped into a class room filled with students, faces I didn't know, but I could tell this was the class I was suppose to be in. “Is Bridget going to be our college professor for the whole year?” I asked the class. “Yea” a voice replied, but I couldn't tell who. Then Bridget walked in and stood behind her desk “have a seat” she told everyone. I smiled, not being able to hide my excitement, from know that I have a whole year to spend with her...
and that's when I woke up. Its pretty weird because I've never dreamed about her before, so this left me feeling odd, yet happy at the same time. When I get back from vacation I have Monday off so I planned on going to the Beach with Sean & Stacy, and even Dez. I was going to ask supermarket guy if he wanted to come too, because he and his friends always goes to the beach (or so he says) I'm hoping he says yes, because this will be the first time that my friends meet someone I've....well I don't know what to call it, but its the first time my friends meet someone I know from the outside of our group who I didn't meet in school....if that makes a bit of sense. Anyway, I'll write again tomorrow, and then post a weeks worth of posts in one day when I get back =] lol
Wednesday July 15th 2009
So the next day of my vacation is finally over, and its still hot as ever here in Jamaica. The heat kinda got to my head and made me irritated and pissed at the world, so I didn't call supermarket guy, I'll do that tomorrow. Tomorrow we're all suppose to head to the beach, that's right next to a waterfall, I was really excited to go swimming with everyone and to climb the falls, but as the day grows to an end, they keep making up excuse after excuse and it ended up that no one wants to go into the water, climb the falls, or even stay there long (besides me) and all I want to say is, whats the point of going then!? Because its a long trip and they aren't even going to do anything. The only thing that seems to be keeping me happy for the next day is crumbling before my eyes....
btw, I had another dream about Bridget, I cant remember what it was, because it was a long day...but I'm kinda hoping that I have another one tonight. I miss her
Thursday July 16th 2009
Didn't have the energy to actually turn on my computer, so this update is on my phone. We went to Ochi Rios today, and even though I didn't get to ride the jet ski or climb the entire falls I still had fun watching my sister. It was her first time swimming and she had a blast, it was a very tiring trip and we where there the whole day. I didn't get to call supermarket guy again, because I left the phone home so I'll try again tomorrow, not much planned, just going to visit my grandpa's brother then maybe go to my grandmother's house, as much as I hate that woman, my mom still wants to visit her, because she'll feel too bad if she just ignores her the whole week. I didn't have a dream about Bridget...i didn't have any dreams last night, and at Ocho Rios I met this really cool girl from England, but we didn't get to talk for long. We were both in the infirmary, she had a cold and I fell on a rock and cut my hand open (good thing there were no sharks in the water!) So by the time our convo was actually going somewhere the nurse bandaged me up and sent me on my way.
Saturday July 18th 2009
I was really tired yesterday, probably from my climb in Ochi Thursday. I visited my family like I said and eventually had to see that woman formally known as my grandmother. I couldn't even pretend that I was happy to bee there and the look of boredom and annoyance didn't leave my face...as much as I tried. As far as I'm concerned, I have no grandmother, just 1 grandpa (on my mother's side) I've never been close with my extended family, just my mom, dad, sis, and step-dad, and I talk to my grandpa sometimes, besides them I either don't know about the others, or hate them. My family isn't the greatest set of people in the world and we have lots of drama amongst ourselves, that's why I distance myself from them and just stick with the one's who are...normal, if you can call them that, haha. Today is my last full day in Jamaica, and we're taking it easy, I'm suppose to go out shopping later to get a gift for my best friend. I called supermarket guy yesterday, but he didn't answer so I'll try again today. I'm hot and the water went out, so I'm waiting for it to come back so I can shower....at least the power is still working so I can use the fan =]
P.S. My hand still hasn't closed up yet from when I cut it on the rock... and its still red =/
Sunday July 19th 2009
So I'm finally home, the ride back was pretty scary though. The plane hit some turbulence and jerked in the air, I felt like I was on a roller coaster and everyone on the plane even screamed the way it jolted around so much, for a second I didn't think I would make it. But once I got home I saw that my step dad repainted the whole house and added new designs and furniture so it looks really good. Supermarket Guy called but I missed it, because I was on the plane at the time, he said he'll call back and I know he gets off around midnight tonight so he might call then. And finally Chloe called again and asked me about my date and I told her it was pretty good and then we talked about if I started dating this guy and she was talking about how she would feel hurt and have trust issues because she wont know what I'm doing blah blah blah, but then she “had to go” so I think she's trying to avoid the subject of us about to end it all....once again, to put the icing on the cake too, she said she was dating a guy this week, but they broke up a while later. So if she can date....why cant I??? I'm trying to figure out how to end this Chloe thing without hurting any feelings and its harder then it sounds -_-' Btw Saturday night we went out and i got drunk so i slept like a log the whole night and didn't wake up for nothing.
The one & only