So yet another week has gone by....well its almost over, and so much has happened. Supermarket guy called on Tuesday and asked if we could go out on a date Friday night before i go to Jamaica, we're still thinking about where to go though, I'm hoping this turns out normal and that he's really a nice guy and not pretending. so far he's called every afternoon and we've just talked about random stuff. He really is a quiet guy, and that's good, because I'm pretty quiet too. today he said i sound like a white girl, and i thought that was kinda funny because I've gotten comments about how i talk a lot from different people. he also wanted to hang out today because he got off of work early and i was going to go, but then when i finally got off of babysitting it got pretty dark and stormy so we just stuck with the original meeting date for Friday. I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow and hoping that he doesn't want sex. Dan sent me a text while i was on the phone with supermarket guy and it said "Dee i love you" he used my first name of course, but i just felt like writing dee instead, and i just wanted to shout at him for him to get it, but i feel like that wont even work to telling him that its over. so i ignored it and continued like nothing ever happened. then to make matters worse, early this afternoon Chloe called me and said she was pmsing when she sent me that break up text and that she didn't mean it. i told her that someone asked me out and that i have a date on Friday and after a long pause she said, "i guess that's understandable, since i sent you that break up text so long ago" the conversation was quiet after that and i just told her to call later or something, just when i thought this was over all of my conflicts are coming back at once. it seems like nothing in my life will ever be easy or normal....its pretty depressing when you think about it. i hope this date doesn't blow up in my face. and I'll make sure to post a blog as soon as i get back home
The one & only
1 comment:
OMG! That is all. Team SuperMarket Guy!
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