V called me last night and said he got called into work, so he wouldn't be able to make it. So instead can we meet on Friday, i said sure and also explained that my car cant go very far before breaking down, because of the mileage and, he said ok, and that he'd ask a friend for something, but it was kinda hard to understand him because he was mumbling. you know when a persons mouth is too close to the phone so you cant really hear them good...that's what it sounded like he was doing. don't really have much to update about, my mom might have to fly over to the Philippines for work, and i don't really want her to go =[ because its for two weeks. and then that horrible woman who's suppose to be my grandmother is suppose to come down in august because if she's out of the country any longer they take away her green card, and my mom paid a lot of money and went through too much paperwork to let that happen. so my life is going to be hell for the two months that she'll be here -_- . Its kinda hard for me to concentrate and get my thoughts together right now so I'll make another blog if anything else happens =/
The one & only
Wow Grandma drama! Can't wait to see what happens! By the way! CLANNDDDDDDDDDDD!
grandma sounds like trouble! ask ur mom to buy you some vans in the phillipines! it's only 6 dollars over there!
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