So Supermarket guy called, I'm just going to start calling him V because supermarket guy is too long...and his name starts with a V. So anyway, he said that he came to my neighborhood with his friend yesterday to see me, but when he called my phone went straight to voice-mail, so i missed my man! lol He's going shopping tomorrow and wanted to invite me with him, but i told him I'm babysitting so he said he'll call after he's done to see if I'm still babysitting and if not then we'll get together and do whatever i want, and he made sure to say he's bring more money, haha. and that he'll pay for my gas so i don't have to worry....which brings me to another point... first of all, I'm never worried about my gas, just worried that my car will break down, because its old and has way to much mileage on it, second of all, apparently I'm driving again, and its making me wonder if he lied about sharing a car with his brother. It kinda irks me that i have to drive all the time, because he's the one who invites me out, and he's the man in the relationship (obviously) so shouldn't he be the driver?? Plus there's that deep mental imprint in my brain about not dating guys without cars because ever since i was little my dad's always told me to never date a guy without a job, money, or a car. but V has a job and money....and sometimes i even see this irritation in my mom's eyes whenever i bring up the fact that I'm driving when i go out with him. So I'm battling with myself, because every time i think of this his points go down and i just want to tell him to stop calling me, but then i think of how nice he is and wonder where we're heading, and it gains him some more points. just so i can see how this plays out....
Here's the real question. "Is it ok for you to drive around your 22yr old college boyfriend, even though he is the one who pays for gas, as well as the date?"
The one & only
So "V" sound like he's not pulling his weight. As girls we all have to be concerned about guys "worth" and that he's not using us in any type of way. He's not coming off as a user but as a free loader. But what I think about your question truthfully is that there is nothing wrong with a girl driving her man around: if they been dating about two months. Other then that in the begainning he should be trying to woo her and show him what he has to offer her. I really don't know how to feel about Supermarket guy. His point are dropping faster then a New York stock. All in all I agree with your papa.
A girl should be treater like a princess, not a pauper.
cars are expensive to take care of. you have to pay for gas, insurance, and car payments if it's fairly new too. but, i can see what you're saying by him inviting you out, and you having to drive.
you could always lie, and say that your car is in the shop, and see how he reacts.
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