ok so i know its been a while since I've updated, but once again my laptop has been giving problems and i don't really like using any other computer to update, but today i had to give in -_- So the last time i talked to Chloe she was talking about how her friends boyfriend was so romantic and how she thought that was sweet and it felt as though she was trying to signal that i wasn't romantic enough, and i was just like "oh" i cant really see myself being the kind of romantic she wants, and the only time I've ever been romantic was when i wrote poetry to Bridget. i guess its hard for me to be romantic with her because my heart is in another place. also on Tuesday this guy who works at my local supermarket asked me for my number and asked if it was alright if he could 'talk' to me, basically asking me out. he said he see's me coming there all the time (which i do =D) and finally decided to talk to me. he's 22 so he's a bit closer to my age then anyone else I've ever been with, i said sure, just to see what could come from this. none of us had a pen so he was trying to memorize my number, i think he might of forgotten and when i go to the market again he's going to bombard me XD lol. then today Dan texted me it was short so I'll just type out the convo
Dan: How are you?
Me:I'm fine
Dan: What are you doing my love?
Me: I'm with friends (total lie) and you don't have to call me love since we're not dating
after that he hasn't texted back. Deep down i really wanted it to work with us, but he just doesn't really put in the effort to meet my friends and just hang out. he was just way to much work. besides that I'm heading to Jamaica on the 13th for about a week and then my orientation for college is on the 6th. don't know what else to put in so, until next time
The one & only
1 comment:
WOW!Supermarket-man is thrown into to the mix of the confusing web of darkemo's love life. twenty-two eh? More details. How does he look? Black, white, spanish? All in one! Ohhh, I can't wait to see how this new charater devolps!
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