Saturday, November 14, 2009

I've Noticed

I've noticed, ever since the accident V has been staring at me more. like the other day i was doing my homework and when i looked up, he was staring at me. And sometimes while i'm watching tv i can see him looking through the corner of my eye. I cant help but wonder what is he looking at, or what does he see. He's changed, it feels like we've become...more serious.

The one & only

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The longest day of my life

Wednesday Nov 11th 2009
Viere came over and we hung out for the day and did some errands for my mom. Later in the day his dad called me asking about stuff i didn't know and we got into a fight over it. i was mad that V was keeping secrets from me and confronted him about it...he finally told me what he was hiding, He has epilepsy. The whole day i was thinking about it and didn't know what to do. He said he didn't tell me because the last girl he was dating that he told broke up with him because of it. I'll admit i was shocked, but not enough to break up with the person i loved. We went to the park and he didn't kiss me good-bye, i think he was a bit stressed about what his dad said to me (some really bad things btw). Later that night i got called in for work in the mall, i didn't get home till around 11:30 to 12:00 so i started to catch up on some errands that i was doing before i got called in. By the time i was ready to go to sleep it was around 2:30am. I got a call a few minutes after i laid down and it was V's sister. He had a seizure and was in the hospital. I quickly got out of bed and raced to the hospital with his parents. When i got there they told me he had four seizures in total that night, and they had to sedate him to keep him still. When i saw him in the hospital bed with all the wires and tubes i burst into tears and couldn't stop for hours. Finally the doctor gave him new medication and said he was ready to go at around 6:00 in the morning. I sat by his bed the whole time. His parents left and i had to sign his release papers and then they came back and took us to his house. He was pretty dizzy because of the medication they gave him to sedate him and i had to help him walk around. When we got to his place i helped clean up his room where his attack happened and then we both fell asleep on the couch. Finally 9:00am came around and i headed home to let him get some rest and to try to take my mind off of everything that happened. It was a long day, and i cant wait till he gets better and back to himself. I was scared, i don't want to see him like that again. I love him.
Thursday Nov 12th 2009

The one & only

Sunday, November 1, 2009


so after i made the blog i went on to facebook to play some dumb ass game, and now he's (Dan) is texting me on my phone! -_-' "i need to see you"


ok so I'm innocently doing my homework when i get an unknown caller pop up on my phone. lately I've been answering my phone for just about anything now, because i never know if its a job thing or what. but low and was Dan, of all the people in the world. when i first heard his voice i was a bit in denial still, but when he said "do you remember who this is" it just clicked for me. After all this time why is he calling me now!? he was going on about why i haven't called him and if i didn't have one day to spare just to talk to him, and that he missed me and wanted to see me, and that i was his girlfriend, and as far as he's concerned that hasn't changed. and i was like wtf, what is this guys prob! so anyway every time he said he wanted to see me i kept replying "That's not a good idea, I'm in a serious relationship" and he'd ask if i wanted to see him and I'd say no. the only way for him to get it is if your harsh. he kept pushing the meeting thing, but i kept pushing a 'no' because i didn't really like our relationship and i really love viere. [he'd be so proud, lol] and after a long back and forth convo he told me that he moved and gave me the address (i didn't write it down though, because i couldn't really care less about where he lived now) and then after more back and forth of him trying to get us back together and wanting to see me he said i love went like this, Dan first then me
D: ok bye
Me: bye
D: i love you
Me: I'm not going to say it
D: i love you
Me: ok bye
D: i love you
Me: Dan, I'm with someone i love and care for and its a serious relationship
D: ...ok bye
Me: bye
D: goodnight
Me: Goodnight
and then that was it. He was really hot, and I'll admit i do find myself thinking about him sometimes, but i have more happy moments with viere, with V it feels more real then it ever did with Dan......i can never figure him out (Dan) -_- hopefully he doesn't call again so that i can try to fully put him in my past. Viere was actually asking about my ex's the other day and since Dan is practically the only one (besides crazy chloe) he wanted to know a lot about him, like why we split and what he looked like, what we did together, etc etc.

The one & only

P.S. i cant handle all these damn surprises