Monday, August 18, 2008

Gay Fay

so no school today. none on tuesday either. i was kinda excited to be getting back to school. i ran out of stuff to do this summer and it was driving me crazy. i'm the kind of person who likes to keep busy.

So there's no school because of Tropical Storm/ Hurricane Fay, which is the gayest name for a storm ever. so to pass the time i went out on sunday to get a new game for the 360. I bought Army of Two, which is harder then i thought it would be! but its fun and worth the money, and i'm planning on getting Gears of War 2 when i can. besides that nothing new, i got someone to go to the mall with on sunday and it thats how i bought the game and got some really cool stuff from hot topic and old navy etc. blah blah

The one & only

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